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Google Analytics
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Written by Wendy
Updated over a week ago

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Integrating Google Analytics with Lantern’s Advanced Analytics gives you valuable insights into your quiz performance. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up Google Analytics for your quizzes in Lantern, from creating a Google Analytics property to tracking real-time events.

Step 1: Navigate to Advanced Analytics in Lantern

  1. Log in to Lantern and navigate to the Advanced Analytics section.

  2. In the Google Analytics tab, click on Set up Google Analytics.

  3. Identify the quiz you want to set up. For this example, we'll be using a quiz called Find your perfect pet food - LIVE

  4. To easily access the quiz URL, go to the Quizzes tab, open the the Publish page so you can easily copy the full URL of the quiz. You will need this URL later.

Step 2: Create a New Google Analytics Property

  1. Log in to your Google Analytics account.

  2. Navigate to the Admin section by clicking on the gear icon in the bottom left corner.

  3. Under Property, click the Create Property button to set up a new property for your quiz.

  4. Name your property—include the name of your store (e.g., Lantern Pet Shop) and the quiz identifier (e.g., Find your perfect pet food). This helps you easily identify the quiz later.

  5. Choose your reporting time zone and currency, provide your business details, and select your business objectives.

  6. Click Next to proceed to the Data Collection step.

Step 3: Obtain the Google Tag ID

  1. In the Data Collection step, select the platform type as Web.

  2. You’ll be prompted to provide your website URL. Important: Enter the full URL of your quiz that you copied earlier from Lantern, without the "https://" prefix.

  3. Give your stream a descriptive name, such as Lantern Quiz Find Your Perfect Pet Food, to easily identify it in the future.

  4. Click Create and Continue.

Step 4: Set Up a Google Tag

  1. Click the arrow on the right-hand side of the stream you just created, which will open a pop-up labeled Set up a Google Tag.

  2. You’ll see several methods to install the Google Tag. For this guide, we will use the Install with a CMS or Website Builder option.

  3. Select Shopify as your platform.

Step 5: Copy and Paste the Google Tag in Lantern

  1. Copy the Google Tag ID to your clipboard.

  2. Go back to the Advanced Analytics panel in Lantern and paste the Google Tag ID into the input box next to the relevant quiz (e.g., Find your perfect pet food - LIVE).

  3. Click Save to finish the setup. Your quiz does not need to be republished; everything is handled from the Advanced Analytics panel.

Step6: Test the Setup in Google Analytics

  1. Return to Google Analytics and navigate to the Installation Instructions page where you obtained the Google Tag.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Test Your Website section and click Scan.

  3. A green confirmation tick should appear, confirming that the tag is successfully installed.

View Real-Time Data in Google Analytics

Once the setup is complete, you can begin tracking your quiz events in real time within Google Analytics. Start by navigating back to the Home page in your Google Analytics account. From the drop-down menu, select the property you’ve just set up for your quiz (for example, Lantern Pet Shop Find your perfect pet food). This will allow you to monitor real-time events as users interact with your quiz.

To track these events, go to the View Real-Time section. Here, you’ll see event counts by event name, such as when a welcome screen is loaded, an email page is submitted, or the results page is displayed.

You can also explore various custom properties that are sent from Lantern to Google Analytics, including the Lantern session ID, store ID, and page title, along with all the relevant custom events triggered by users as they navigate through your quiz.

For a complete list of all the available events and properties that you can use to create custom dimension and reports please check out the following article.

That’s all it takes to set up Google Analytics in Lantern! By simply creating a property, obtaining your Google Tag, and linking it to your quiz, you’ll be able to track all quiz interactions, including custom events and properties, directly in Google Analytics. This setup provides invaluable insights into user behavior, helping you optimize your quizzes for better performance and conversions.

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