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Product Matching

A detailed explanation of quiz logic, how to link products and when to use the excluded products mechanic.

Ana Bunaiasu avatar
Written by Ana Bunaiasu
Updated over a month ago

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By default, we recommend products with the highest match score for your quiz takers based on their selected answers.

This is straightforward and efficient and requires you to link matching products to each answer in your quiz.

We've used our example quiz to demonstrate this, which offers pet food recommendations based on specific pet needs and sensitivities.

If you are creating a quiz where the results are focused more on the customer's profile (for example, a skincare routine based on a customer's skin type), and you require multiple results categories (for example, AM and PM routines), then we recommend you check out the following article to find out more about building your results page using dynamic content blocks.

Linking Products and Variants

Under the Products tab, each answer from your quiz will have two sections: Matched Results and Excluded Products. For each of the 2 sections, you can connect either products, variants, or even entire collections.

Matched products

To link products, start by clicking the Match Products button. You can filter these by their names by typing inside the search bar or by their tags. To filter using tags, enter the following in the search bar: tag:dog food, where 'dog food' is the actual tag applied to your products.

Matching Variants

The process for linking variants is exactly the same, click the Match Variants button instead.

Matching Collections

This will allow you to link all products inside a specific collection directly to your quiz.

Please note: when matching collections, result matching is done at the product level, not at the variant level.

Automated Collections in Shopify allow you to categorize your products based on various conditions such as price range, product type, or tags. This makes them an excellent tool for easily organizing your store's items, which in turn facilitates the quiz creation process. Check out this help article on the benefits of using Automated Collection in Shopify for quiz product matches.

Once a collection is linked, you can use our resync functionality to make sure that you keep it up to date whenever you add new products to your store or make changes to existing products.

Match All Feature

The Match All feature is designed to boost the match score of all products added to the quiz for questions that are only there for data-gathering purposes.

In the example quiz there is a question asking about the type of toys their dog might prefer. The answer to this question doesn't impact the product recommendations at all, however, we still want the products in the quiz to gain a match score point regardless of the answer selected, so for this reason, we enable the Match all toggle.

Please note: Match all is not designed to replace product matching all together. Key products, variants, and collections still need to be actively added to the quiz to return results.

Excluded Products

In most cases, you’ll only need to add matched results. Excluded products are for very specific scenarios where you absolutely do not want certain products to be included in the results if a specific answer is selected.

For example, one question in our pet food quiz asks about any food allergies or sensitivities the pet may have. If a pet is allergic to shellfish, we should match the relevant product and, most importantly, exclude all products that specifically contain shellfish to ensure you will never recommend a product that contains a specific allergen to someone who clearly selected their pet as allergic to it.

If you exclude a product (or a specific variant) from an answer, and that answer is selected when taking the quiz, the excluded product (or variant) will not be included in the results regardless of the match score it accrued throughout the quiz.

Similarly, you can exclude entire collections from specific answers by linking them under the Excluded Products section of each answer.

To make it easier to exclude large numbers of products at once without having to link them manually, we've introduced an Exclude all other option. This will Exclude All Other Products, Variations, and collections (except the ones that are a positive match for this question).

An example where this option might be useful is a scenario in which quiz takers can choose what price range they afford for their pet’s food. In this case, you can use the exclude all other matches other than the ones that fit that answer to ensure you are not recommending products that are out of their price range on the results page.

Answer Weights

Using Answer Weights, you can assign varying levels of importance to specific answers within your quiz, ensuring the results are even more tailored to your customer's needs.

By default, every answer in your quiz has a weight of 100. You can adjust this weight up to 10,000, giving particular answers more influence over the final product recommendations.

The higher the weight you assign to a particular answer, the more it boosts the likelihood of the products linked to that answer being displayed.

Match Score

The match score indicates how well a given product matches a customer's preferences based on their answer selection. This can be expressed as a percentage or in an “x/y” format, where y is the number of questions in the quiz and x is the number of times that product was a match for a question’s answer.

For example, if a quiz has a total of 6 questions (not including input field questions) and a particular product is linked to answers from 4 of them, its match score will be 4/6. For more information on how to set this up please check out our help article on how to set up your results page.

If multiple products have equal match scores, you can sort them by different criteria, such as their price, alphabetical order, or random, which can be done from the Results Page settings menu as well.

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