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Rebuy Integration
Wendy avatar
Written by Wendy
Updated over 5 months ago

With the Rebuy Smart Cart integration you can now take people from the results page directly to the open Smart Cart for a seamless flow from product recommendation to buying.

First thing is to make sure you have Rebuy installed and your Smart Cart option is up and running.

Quiz settings

To enable the Smart cart when adding recommended product to cart from the results page, make sure to do the following for each quiz:

  • Edit the quiz and go over to the Results Page

  • From the right-hand side menu, click on the drop down Results Integrations option

  • Go to the Side Cart/ Cart Drawer and click the drop menu

  • Here you can select the desires behavior when someone is adding a product to cart. By default is opening the Default Cart Page but click on the drop and you can select Rebuy Smart Cart.

    Once this is done republish your quiz.

    The next step is to head over to your Theme Editor, and from the App Embeds section on the left-hand side, enable Lantern Core.

    The next time someone will click to add a product to cart from the results page they will get to that product's page with the Smart Cart already open and ready to checkout.

    If you encounter any issues please don't hesitate to contact our support team using the in app chat toggle or our e-mail at [email protected]

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